1900 Remington Type-Writer

March 2019

And today we have little phones to type on!

I found the following in a letter from Patty & Sally's half-brother & could not imagine what the typewriter in question looked like - so I googled '1900 typewriter' & found rodents with a typewriter - not sure what the marketing strategy was.

Here is the part of the letter from Charley Flandrau to his brother, dated April 12, 1900 (I include the bit about the dynamite for additional laughs):

"John will arrive tomorrow if all goes well. Mother is moving out of her room today and we can’t decide what to do with the typewriter as it won’t go through any of the doors and has to be hauled in and out of windows on ropes.... Paul Gotzian left some dynamite cartridges in his stable, and some little boys named Hannaford found them and played with them. Dr. Wheaton says they are doing nicely and he hopes to save the thumb on the hand of one of them; the other fingers they find from day to day around the yard."